History shows that through the centuries the Isted family name is originally of Anglo-Saxon origin. A village by the name of Isted has historically been part of Denmark until 1918 when it was transferred to Germany following a referendum.
Disappointingly, since then it has officially been known as Idstedt. Further origins show possible movement from Scandinavia, Denmark & then on to Sussex, England.
The story of the South African Isted Family History begins with the immigration of the original 1820 Settlers into South Africa. The Isted family, along with the Sephtons & Gush families, moved to the area now known as New England, Wartrail, Moshesesford & bordering the former Transkei & Lesotho in the North Eastern Cape, at the tip of the majestic Drakensberg Mountain Range, known as the Witteberg.
The current Isted family who owns Lammergeier Highlands Reserve, moved to the area on the 3rd of the 3rd month, 1933, where Norman Torr bought the farm Ossa.
This land was owned by the Joubert brothers who built the Joubert’s Pass.
Jack Isted moved from the original family area of Wartrail (this was after WW2 where he was a B52 bomber pilot) where he married Dorothy Torr & they bought the original family farm Ossa.
Operations of sheep farming expanded & additional land was acquired to then later incorporate cattle farming too.
The farms were then bought over by Dick Isted who married Margot Meyer (originally from Bethal, Transvaal) who expanded operations into a commercial farming venture with their 4 sons Edwin, Chris, Kevin & Leslie Isted to what it is today.
Today the operation expands & continues with the living memory of the late Dick Isted & their youngest son Leslie Isted. Dick has built on & passed on a legacy to the fourth generation of Isteds in the area, which is known as “Die Hoeke”
The exciting yet challenging process of farming & tending the land as well as the introduction of eco-tourism which is now known as the Lammergeier Highlands Reserve is part of the vision of the Isted Family, which is not only to improve & expand the farming operations, but also to share the area with visitors who can appreciate the beauty of nature & the preservation thereof.